Bentley OpenComms Designer Help


The splice defines the method used to join individual fiber strands together. Open the Fiber Splice setup dialog by clicking on File > OpenComms Settings > OSP – Fiber > Splices to display the following setup dialog:

Editing a Splice Model

  1. Select a splice from the Splice List. Highlighting the splice loads the information into the dialog box.
  2. Edit the Splice Attributes input fields.
  3. Click Update to save changes into the spec file.

Creating a Splice Model

  1. Key in the splice model name.
  2. Key in the Manufacturer name and Cost.
  3. Key in the losses, in dBs, for each frequency into the corresponding fields.
  4. Click Add to save the splice into the spec file.

Bentley Fiber performs loss calculations on a fiber network for up to eight different frequencies. The actual value and quantity of these frequencies are defined using the Engineering Calculations described in chapter 8 of this manual.

The key to inputting the correct losses into the frequency fields is that the frequency numbers correspond to the defined frequencies in this pattern:

  • Frequency #1 corresponds to the lowest frequency defined in the Engineering Calculations section.
  • Frequency #2 corresponds to the second lowest frequency defined in the Engineering Calculations section.
  • Frequency #3 corresponds to the third lowest frequency and so on until all of the frequencies defined in the Engineering Calculations section have been entered.

Deleting a Splice Model

  1. Highlight the name in the Splice List.
  2. Click Delete to remove the splice from the spec file.
    Note: Splice types already in use within the network cannot be deleted. In order to delete a splice type from the Splice Attributes dialog, all of that particular type of splice must be replaced in the existing network before it can be removed.